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Offensive Game and Practice Planning Resource Packet

Everything you need to prepare each week as an offensive coordinator! This file contains 9 fully editable and customizable documents that will help you be more efficient. Included in this zip file are:

1. Two Sided Color Call Sheet Legal Sized (Excel)
2. Scouting Report Template (ppt)
3. Wrist Band Template (Excel)
4. Install Schedule Template (Excel)
5. Game Planning Worksheet (Word)
6. Daily and Weekly Practice Plan with Scripts (Excel)
7. Blank Defensive Personnel Template For Scouting Reports (Excel)
8. Offensive Depth Chart Template (Excel)
9: Offensive Staff Workflow (Word)

The practice planning template includes practice plans and scripts for up to six practices a week. The scouting report template will help you build a weekly scouting report for each opponent. The call sheet is a two-sided, fully color document that you can edit to fit your program! Each of these documents was developed by James Vint, who has been an offensive coordinator at the high school and college levels. The call sheet is a must have for offensive coordinators to call a high tempo offense!